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Texas Perimeter Hike – The Long Distance Trail You Never Heard Of!

Long distance hikers have heard of trails like the Appalachian Trail or the Continental Divide Trail… but I doubt any of them have heard of the Texas Perimeter Hike. I hadn’t either until I stumbled upon Steven Matthew Read’s blog. Over the past year or more Steven has hiked the entire perimeter of Texas. That is an astonishing 3200 miles round trip from Corpus Christi to Corpus Christi.

One of Steven’s camps in Wilbarger County

Steven got the idea while thru-hiking the AT in 2003. Steven says:

“Since I was born and raised in Corpus Christi, I eventually settled upon walking along the edge of Texas. This seemed big enough, hot enough, and just crazy enough for a Texan. I decided that I would start and stop in my hometown Corpus. As I walked along the A.T., I knew for sure that I had stumbled upon something special in the contours of my mind.”

Steven has recently posted a series of links to different blog posts that summarize his adventure across north Texas, around the panhandle, and down along the nations border.

The Scary Incident at the Beach
The Panther’s Scream
The Ice Storm in the Lower Panhandle
The People of Muleshoe, Texas
Big Bend National Park Thoughts
The Funkiest Hostel in Texas
My Nighttime Border Stretch
Sneaking into a State Park
The Final Map

You wont find many new posts popping up at the Texas Perimeter Hike…but you will find a wealth of information in previous posts. Take a moment to head over and read a few.


  • Smoky Mountain Hiker

    December 19, 2010

    This is new for me as well. These long distance trails seem to be popping up in a lot of places.

    Apparently this trail is so new it hasn't even made it to wiki yet:


    They have the Lone Star Hiking Trail on there though.

    Did you happen to hear that the International Appalachian Trail will be crossing over to Europe and Africa one day. Since the 3 continents were "one" millions of years ago, the mountains in Greenland, Iceland, Western Europe and North Africa were technically all part of the ancient Appalachian range. Therefore, the thinking goes, the trail must be extended across the ocean to make it complete!

    To me, the whole concept of long distance trails has jumped the proverbial shark with the IAT!

  • Steven

    December 19, 2010

    Smoky Mountain Hiker,

    I may have been misleading when I called it a "Trail." I am not sure that it is a technically defined trail but more a path that Steven Matthew Read followed along the perimeter of the state. If you read his blog you will find he hiked along roads and other private property as he made his way along the perimeter.

    And yes I did hear that about the Appalachian Trail. Seems to me like they are getting a little carried away.

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