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My Life Outdoors

Virtual Big Bend

Yesterday I joined BigBendChat.com which is a discussion forum dedicated to all things Big Bend (along with other West Texas sites). One of the more interesting things I found was a link to this website: virtualbigbend.com. Virtual Big Bend has more than 30 interactive 360 degree panoramic views of various locations within the park. Each view allows you to look up down left and right or any direction you see fit. You can see the view from Emery peak (highest point in the park at 7825 feet). You can look around at Santa Elena Canyon. Or even view a real Big Bend waterfall, all in 360 degree interactive panoramas. It is truly a unique way to see the park right from your desktop. Now if we could only get a “Virtual” site for all our favorite outdoor places.

When you go to Virtual Big Bend you can view the 30+ panoramas in a window similar to the picture above. Only at thre real website you can pan and tilt in any direction simply by draging your mouse. Go check it out virtualbigbend.com