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I wanted to put out a quick post about a wonderful opportunity from Post Grape Nuts. Grape Nuts is celebrating the 60th anniversary of Sir Edmund Hillary's historic summit of Mount Everest. Apparently Sir Edmund Hillary took grape nuts along with him to the summit 60 years ago. To commemorate the anniversary, Grape Nuts is looking for a few good outdoor types to summit a local peak (of your choice) and take some new Grape Nuts Fit Cereal samples with

As fall progresses and the leaves begin to change color, I have noticed a lot of talk about the best places to view fall color. In Texas these places are rare, as the trees that create the best and brightest colors are few and far between. There are, however, a handful of places in Texas, known for their beautiful fall display. Probably the hardest to get to, and the least well known is McKittrick Canyon in Guadalupe Mountains National Park.If

I think its time to leave feedburner. They have been good to me so far. But the thought of losing my RSS subscribers due to apathy on feedbruner’s part worries me too much.Is feedburner going away? Who really knows? The reality is they abandoned their twitter and blog long ago and recently shut them down do to lack of content. This has several people worried feedburner itself is shutting down. Who is to say? What these actions communicate to me

MyLifeOutdoors may not be the greatest outdoor blog you have ever read, but there is a reason you keep coming back post after post. We try to provide compelling trip reports, useful information, and unbiased gear reviews. We try to create community with the readers, and share our experiences with anyone who will listen. We do it, because we love the outdoors. Our audience is always growing. We find new friends on facebook and twitter, and occasionally meet people who stumble

If you love MyLifeOutdoors now is the chance to show that pride with an official MyLifeOutdoors sticker. I will be giving away a MyLifeOutdoors sticker to the first 50 people to spread the word about what a great blog MyLifeOutdoors is. Use the raffle copter interface below to tweet, post, or blog about MyLifeOutdoors and we will mail you a free sticker.MyLifeOutdoors Sticker on the back of my JeepSend us a picture of how you are displaying your MyLifeOutdoors sticker

Bears are dangerous animals that need to be respected. When bears are startled, or threatened, they will usually attack. When bears become accustomed to humans and human food, chances of attacks are heightened. Any and everyone who lives or recreates in bear country needs to know these things. And I believe they do. Screenshot of Maneaters: Bears DVD's Title MenuEvery once and awhile people have fatal or near fatal encounters with bears. Maneaters: Bears, a DVD from Animal Planet,

If I am looking for high quality, warm, and comfortable garments for my favorite outdoor activities, Merino Wool is my first choice. I love that it is 100% natural, sustainable and even biodegradable. Every year I hear about a new synthetic that is being triumphed as the latest and greatest fabric for outdoor gear and almost every time wool is still proven superior. L.W. Packard, parent company of Minus 33, saw a gap in the market and set out to

All of the following links are from blogs that submitted in my Top Outdoor Blogs post last monday. If you would like to submit your own selections for Top Outdoor Blogs please go here. You have until tomorrow night to submit blogs for the top outdoor blogs. On Tuesday I will have a poll to see which ones are the best in the eyes of you

Here are some posts that grabbed my attention this week:Susan has some amazing pictures from her Girls Camping Weekend in AlaskaSusan's view along Richardson Hwy in AlaskaSonja continues to show us stunning views from Brazil.Izzy shows off his Survival Carabiner kit.GetOutdoors educates on the benefits of vertical baffles.Brad Parker has a great piece on Texas Drought and educating youth on conservationZSandman reviews some Vibram FiveFingers