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March 2024

What’s better–a trekking pole-supported tent, or a freestanding tent?  What if the answer might be… neither? In my experience, the best gear out there is often an even mix of the best of both worlds. Freestanding tents can often be heavy, since they feature their own internal support system. Even collapsed, this internal frame can be tricky to pack, with many backpackers opting to strap them to the outside of their packs. Trekking pole-supported tents are lightweight, but can be tedious to

Water filters: if you’re new to backpacking, or even going on longer day hikes, choosing the right one for you can seem daunting. There’s a lot of risks involved in making sure you have the right system to filter your water: if you don’t do it right, it’s easy to get sick, and no one wants to cut a trip short because of water-borne illness. Now, there are many different ways to treat water: from boiling it to filtering it,