SPOT Messenger Owners Responsibility – Part 1
I recently took my 10 year old daughter with me to purchase a SPOT gps messagner. As we were walking out of the store my daughter asked her usual curious questions. “What’s that for…What does it do?” I explained to her that if we ever got lost or in trouble while we were hiking, we could use it to call 911 or something similar. My daughter already believes I get lost more than actually do. SPOT GPS Messenger She asked
Wildfire Hiking Safety – What to do if Caught Outdoors in a Wildfire
With all the fires burning and trails closing I started thinking about what I would do if caught hiking in a wildfire. I did a little research, consulted the US Forest Service, and a local fire marshal to find out what is the appropriate course of action when caught outdoors in a wildfire. Be Aware of Active Fires and Fire Danger:Before you set out to go hiking, camping, or backpacking check local conditions for fire danger and active fires in
Practice Map and Compass skills with Cardinal Points’ Free Desktop App
Learning how to use a map and compass is an invaluable skill. Sometimes different compass techniques can be confusing and easy to mix up in your head. For instance when taking a magnetic barring do you line the orienting arrow with the magnetic needle or with the grid lines on the map? When trying to follow a bearing in fog do you align the orienting arrow with the grid lines or is it the magnetic needle. In both cases it