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GORE-TEX Contest – Win Head to Toe GORE-TEX Gear

Contest photo on November 24, 2010.

GORE-TEX is currently running a contest called “Where in the World?”. Each day GORE-TEX features a photo and clue of an iconic outdoor location. A little more of the photo will be revealed each day, until the first contestant to correctly guess the location wins that round. There will be up to 20 locations featured until the contest ends on December 17.

The great news is the winner doesn’t necessarily have to guess all the locations correctly. The winner will be based on number of points accumulated. You can receive one point per day for incorrect guesses and 5 points for being the first to guess correctly. At the end of the contest…whoever has the most points…wins!! Start today so you can start racking up points.

The contest is being held at http://gore-tex.com/whereintheworld. To enter you must register to be apart of GORE-TEX’s online community.You can sign up at https://www.gore-tex.com/community if not already a member. 

Please see GORE-TEX’s complete contest rules