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March 2011

More Park Closures? Federal lawmakers are working right now to finalize the 2011 budget, but they are running out of time. Billions are at stake and there is a serious risk the House and Senate will not come to an agreement in time. If this happens the government will be forced to shut down and non-essential services would go first, including all national parks What happens when big government is forced to cut spending? According to U.S. Congressman Mike

The Nature Conservancy's Davis Mountain Preserve has released their open weekends for 2011. The Davis Mountain Preserve (home of Mt. Livermoore 8378 feet, highest in the Davis Mountain range) will be open on the following dates:View from the Limpia Chute Trail, Mount LivermoreMarch 12th - Open Day April 9th- Open DayMay 13th - 15th Open WeekendJune18th - Open Day July 22nd - 24th Open WeekendAugust