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MyLifeOutdoors may not be the greatest outdoor blog you have ever read, but there is a reason you keep coming back post after post. We try to provide compelling trip reports, useful information, and unbiased gear reviews. We try to create community with the readers, and share our experiences with anyone who will listen. We do it, because we love the outdoors. Our audience is always growing. We find new friends on facebook and twitter, and occasionally meet people who stumble

Three alpine lakes in four days. Thats all anyone had to say to convince me to spend a week in New Mexico’s Pecos Wilderness. We had been planning a guys trip since January. Our goal was to hit Johnson’s lake, swing down to Stewart Lake, and finish it off with the Grand Finale: Lake Katharine and 13,600 foot Santa Fe Baldy.Johnsons Lake - Pecos Wilderness, NMPecos WildernessWe made the eight hour drive from Midland to Pecos NM, on Sunday July

What is the hardest hike you have ever attempted? Mine was a little 2 mile day hike that I thought I would knock out in a couple of hours. Some friends and I were on the Island of St. Lucia doing some mission work. We had arranged for a friend to take us up Gros Piton early one morning.Gros Piton from the World Heritage MonumentGros Piton and its little sister Petit Ption are Caribbean land marks. Two volcanic spires jutting

My family and I were deep in the backcountry on a remote forest service road when my tire light came on. We had been driving on some pretty rugged terrain and I knew my tires were taking a beating. I jumped out to check the tire, sure enough, a flat. No big deal, I thought. I’ll just throw on the spare. I told my wife what had happened, and that it might be a while, so her and the girls

What makes a great campsite? Location, solitude, view? I have spent the night at a few amazing campsites. The greatness of each site seems proportional to how difficult it is to reach. Point Sublime on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park is no different. Point Sublime at SunsetMy family and I headed out to the Grand Canyon on Memorial Day weekend for my oldest daughters birthday. We knew the weekend would bring in the crowds, and we have

Guest Post by Daniel Beach of ShareThisAdventure.com a website for sharing outdoor adventures. If you would like to Guest Post on MyLifeOutdoors please see our Guest Posting Guidelines. Just imagine it, you are strolling along a beautiful trail, paddling along some clear river, or just enjoying the great outdoors we love some much

Three hours of sustained rain is enough to make anyone quit. As soon as we pulled up to the Turkey Canyon Trailhead it started to rain. My friends and I pulled out the rain gear and strapped on our packs anyway. Nothing was going to stop us from spending the weekend in the backcountry. Three hours later, soaking wet and cold, we wondered if we had made the wrong decision.Lincoln National Forest - White Mountain WildernessOur plan was to spend

If you love MyLifeOutdoors now is the chance to show that pride with an official MyLifeOutdoors sticker. I will be giving away a MyLifeOutdoors sticker to the first 50 people to spread the word about what a great blog MyLifeOutdoors is. Use the raffle copter interface below to tweet, post, or blog about MyLifeOutdoors and we will mail you a free sticker.MyLifeOutdoors Sticker on the back of my JeepSend us a picture of how you are displaying your MyLifeOutdoors sticker

This is the first of several posts contributed by my wife. As she states below, we hope for this to become a regular segment on MyLifeOutdoors. A valuable resource to women (and their husbands) who love the outdoors (or who, at least, wish to love the outdoors). This is My Wife Outdoors. The other day I was recounting my life changing experience backpacking in Glacier National Park to a coworker. I just finished telling her about our five day, nearly thirty

I have never considered myself an ultralight backpacker. I have been known, however, to do whatever I can to try and reduce pack weight. Sometimes that means upgrading or modifying my gear, or just simply using better packing strategies. No matter how you classify yourself I think we all would like a lighter pack. The following is a list of tips and techniques to help you reduce your overall pack weight. 1. Modify your gear: You don’t have to