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The Nature Conservancy's Davis Mountain Preserve.See more photos like this one.The Nature Conservancy's Davis Mountain Preserve in Texas is looking for some temporary employees. Two positions are available:SAW CREW MANAGER: The Saw Crew Manager oversees a squad (2-4 Saw Crew Members) in forest thinning activities, as directed by supervisor. The Saw Crew Manager will participate in directing saw crew day to day work, saw use and maintenance and wildland fire work as appropriate. May perform other preserve management duties when

Back in October a friend and I went back to one of my favorite “local” paddling spots. Village Creek in Arlington Texas.Village Creek, Arlington Texas   You see when I lived in the Dallas Fort Worth area I didn’t always have time to head down to the hill country for a 1-2 day river trip. The Brazos is a nice river but was still over an hour away. Let’s not talk about the Trinity river (it literally has a smell). So

Some time ago I tested a new Anti Stink Technology from Agion Active. By participating in this gear test I was automatically entered into a contest to win an all expense paid vacation through Glacier Guides to Glacier National Park. In order to win I have to get the most votes on my Agion Active Profile Page.As I write this I am in third place with 370 votes. I need more then 140 votes to take the lead. The contest

Katadyn Hiker and Inlet Tube. (output tube not shown)I have to say…I love my Katadyn Hiker Micro Filter. I have been using my Katadyn Hiker for more than 3 years on a wide variety of backpacking and overnight kayaking trips. Any time I know fresh water will be available on the trail…I throw it into my bag. My filter has processed countless gallons of water without a single filter change. Katadyn claims it can filter up to 200 gallons of

Contest photo on November 24, 2010.GORE-TEX is currently running a contest called "Where in the World?". Each day GORE-TEX features a photo and clue of an iconic outdoor location. A little more of the photo will be revealed each day, until the first contestant to correctly guess the location wins that round. There will be up to 20 locations featured until the contest ends on December 17.The great news is the winner doesn't necessarily have to guess all the locations

Last Friday I took my nine year old daughter on her first backpacking trip. We headed down to Lost Maples State Natural Area (SNA) for a short one night trip.Entrance to Lost Maples State Natural AreaThis time of year Lost Maples is alive with fall color and we hoped to take it all in. With this being my daughter’s first backpacking trip I was real worried about mileage. But Lost Maples SNA provided the perfect place.We arrived at Lost Maples

While preparing for an October backpacking trip I came across an advertisement for Bridgeford Ready to Eat sandwiches. I decided to order some and give them a try. I ordered three different flavors: Honey Barbecue Beef, Honey Barbeque Chicken, And Italian style.Not that long ago my wife’s grandfather gave me some military MRE heater packs. These heater packs are supposed to warm your “ready to eat” meal in 10-15 min. Since Bridgeford Ready to Eat Sandwiches were originally created for

Can you imagine spending 25 nights in the wilderness and hiking more then 250 miles a year? Would you accept free gear to test without beinig afraid to "tell it like it is." If that's you then you should apply to be an official gear tester for Backpacker Magazine.Backpacker Magazine is accepting applications for 2011 official gear testers. To apply you must send a 150 word sample gear review to [email protected]. Create a 3 min or less video trying to