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For a little more then a year now I have been wearing a pair of Vasque Clarion GTX boots anytime I go hiking. These boots have been my vehicle to the top of Texas, Enchanted Rock, Sierra Blanca, Mount Livermoore, and Hermits Peak. They have taken me down into Carlsbad Caverns, Devil’s Hall, and Palo Duro Canyon. I have carried as little as 5 pounds and as much as 45 pounds with these boots on my feet. Throughout all these

Last Labor Day weekend a friend and I decided to head out to south-central New Mexico to summit Sierra Blanca. Sierra Blanca rises 11,973 feet (some sources say 12,003 feet) above sea level and about 8,000 feet above the surrounding desert floor making her the most prominent peak in New Mexico. The peak is owned by the Mascalero Apache Indian Tribe and is considered the sacred place where “the creator gave us life.”Sierra Blanca New MexicoWe decided to make

Last weekend I made it back to Hermits Peak with plans to summit. I made sure I had my map (and a backup) just in case I left one in the car. The weather was perfect and nothing was going to keep me from the summit this time around.Hermits peak (10,263 feet). is at the extreme southern end of the Rockies in the Sangre de Cristo mountains. The peak rises 3700 ft above the town of Las Vegas in northern

Well it has been a long busy summer for me which has had an effect on my blogging. I have had many adventures over the past 3 months and I am looking forward to blogging about them in the coming weeks.Back in early July a friend and I attempted to summit Hermits Peak (10,212 feet). Hermits peak is at the extreme southern end of the Rockies in the Sangre de Cristo mountains. The peak rises 3700 ft above the town

Last weekend the family and I headed back to Mount Livermore to see if we couldn’t make it to the summit this time. If you have been following the blog then you know our last attempt was plagued by thunderstorms. This weekend was the exact opposite. Saturday turned out to be a beautiful day and my family took advantage of yet another open weekend at The Nature Conservancy’s Davis Mountain Preserve. Madera Canyon Road below the pipe gate.Once again we drove

Werner Paddles announced they will be giving away free paddles in exchange for selected photos on facebook. They will be using winner's photos in upcoming print and online catalogs. If you want to get in on the action you must be a friend of Werner Paddles on facebook. Then upload and tag your photos of Werner Paddles. Each winner will receive any paddle in the line. Up to a $465.00 retail value.Better hurry winners will be chosen by May

We recently bought the Deuter Kid Comfort II backpack child carrier. We bought this pack to carry our 6 month old daughter on our frequent hikes. The Kid Comfort two has brought our family closer together and our daughter seems to love riding in it. Anytime we put her in the pack she smiles real big and begins to kick her feet in excitement. She is constantly looking in every direction on our hikes and has not fussed or become upset. (UPDATE:

While on a church retreat near Angus, NM I took a morning hike to 7,755 foot Buck Mountain. Starting at the retreat center we followed an old jeep trial into the Lincoln National forest. We looped around counter clockwise to the back side of Buck Mountain following a small stream for most of the way before heading up the west side. Once on top we found some Elk tracks and took in the view. We came back down on the

For more information please see my newest report on Mount Livermore.  After much anticipation I finally made it out to The Nature Conservancy’s (TNC) Davis Mountain Preserve (DMP) in an attempt to summit Mount Livermore and Baldy Peak. The davis mountain range is the most extensive and second highest range in Texas. Mount Livermore and Baldy Peak (which sits on top of Livermore) is the tallest mountain in the Davis range at 8378 feet. Blue line is the jeep road,

Saturday morning of our trip to Palo Duro my family and I set out to hike the parks most popular trail to the lighthouse. Palo Duro is the second largest canyon in the United States and the Lighthouse is her signature formation. Every year thousands of people set out to hike the 3 miles (6 round trip) to the base of the formation and this Saturday was no different Palo Duro Canyon viewed from the canyon rim.. We set out about